SCCM WebService API Reference

SCCMWebService Members

The SCCMWebService type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SCCMWebService
Prevents a default instance of the SCCMWebService class from being created.


  Name Description
Public method AddClientsToCollection
Adds the specified resource to multiple collections and removes it from its contrary collections. (Install <-> Uninstall)
Public method AddClientToCollection(Int32, String, Boolean)
Adds the client to collection.
Public method AddClientToCollection(Int32, String)
Adds the specified resource to a collection and removes it from its contrary collection. (Install <-> Uninstall)
Public method AddClientToCollection2
Adds the client to the specified collection.
Public method AddClientToCollections
Adds the specified resource to multiple collections.
Public method AddToStandardCollections
Adds a resource to all standard collections specified in table [SCCMManager].[dbo].[StandardSoftware].
Public method CanClearPXEBootState
Clears the pxe boot state.
Public method ChangeEventLogOverflowAction
Changes the event log overflow action.
Public method CheckComputerExists(String)
Checks if the specified computer exists.
Public method CheckComputerExists(Int32)
Checks if the specified computer exists.
Public method CheckComputers
Checks if the given computerlist is valid.
Public method CheckFolderExists
Checks if the given SCCM folder exists.
Public method CheckRoles
Determines whether the calling user is in the specified roles.
Public method ClearEventlog
Clears the event log of the specified computer.
Public method ClearPXEBootState
Clears the pxe boot state.
Public method CreateComputerList
Creates the computer list.
Public method CreatePSExecProcess
Creates a process using "PSExec.exe".
Public method DeleteComputer
Deletes the specified resource.
Public method DeleteComputerFromAD
Deletes a computer from AD.
Public method DeleteComputerVariables(Int32, String)
Deletes the specified computer variable.
Public method DeleteComputerVariables(Int32, array<String>[]()[][])
Deletes the specified computer variables.
Public method DeleteComputerVariables(Int32)
Deletes the computer variables.
Public method DisableComputerAccount
Disables a computer account in AD.
Public method Equals(System.Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method EvaluateMembership
Evaluates the specified collection membership.
Public method ExecuteImmediately
Executes an SMS advertisement immediately.
Public method ExecuteSQLCommand
Executes a SQL command.
Public method ExecuteStoredPocedure(DatabaseConnections, String, array<SerializableSqlParameter>[]()[][])
Executes a stored pocedure.
Public method ExecuteStoredPocedure(DatabaseConnections, String, array<SerializableSqlParameter>[]()[][], array<SerializableSqlParameter>[]()[][]%)
Executes a stored pocedure with output parameters.
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAdvertisementInfo(String)
Gets the advertisement info from specified computer.
Public method GetAdvertisementInfo(Int32)
Gets the advertisement info from specified resource.
Public method GetClientProperties
Gets the client properties.
Public method GetCollectionFolders
Gets all collection folders.
Public method GetCollectionMemberships
Gets the collection memberships.
Public method GetCollectionRuleDirect
Gets the collection members from specified collection.
Public method GetCollectionRules
Gets the collection rules from specified collection.
Public method GetCollections
Gets all collections from specified container (folder).
Public method GetCollectionsByResourceID
Gets all collections by the specified resource identifier. This view includes only approved collections.
Public method GetComputerDataByFilter Obsolete.
Gets SCCM computers by filter (OBSOLETE).
Public method GetComputerDataByFilterEx
Gets SCCM computers by filter.
Public method GetComputerDataByFilterExCompressed
Gets the computer data by filter as 7zip compressed byte array.
Public method GetComputerDefaultLanguage
Gets the computers default language.
Public method GetComputerLists
Gets the computer lists from specified user.
Public method GetComputerNameFromResourceID
Gets the computer name from resource identifier.
Public method GetComputerSearchColumns
Gets the computer search columns.
Public method GetComputerVariable
Gets the content of a sccm computer variable.
Public method GetComputerVariables
Gets the computer variables.
Public method GetDataSet(DatabaseConnections, String)
Gets a data set via sql.
Public method GetDataSet(DatabaseConnections, array<DataSetProperties>[]()[][])
Gets the data set based on the given DataSetProperties.
Public method GetDataSetCompressed7zip
Gets a compressed data set via sql.
Public method GetDataSetCompressed7zip2
Gets a compressed data set based on the given DataSetProperties via sql.
Public method GetEventLogEntries
Gets the last event log entries of the given computer.
Public method GetEventLogOverflowAction
Gets the event log overflow action from specified computer.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetImageList
Gets the image list.
Public method GetInstallCollectionsByResourceID
Gets all install collection rule direct from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_InstallCollectionRuleDirect]. This view includes only approved collections created with SCCM Package Builder.
Public method GetInstalledSoftware
Gets the add remove programs list.
Public method GetLicenseInfo
Gets the service license information.
Public method GetLogFile
Gets the given log file from specified unc path.
Public method GetOSDCollections
Gets all OSD collections from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_OSDCollection].
Public method GetPackageISVData
Gets the ISV data of the specified package.
Public method GetPackages
Gets all packages from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_Package]. This view only includes approved packages created with SCCM Package Builder.
Public method GetPackagesByFilter
Gets all packages from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_Package] by filter. This view only includes approved packages created with SCCM Package Builder.
Public method GetPluginVersionConfig()()()()
Gets the plugin version configuration.
Public method GetPluginVersionConfig(String)
Gets the plugin version configuration.
Public method GetPowerShellScriptFiles
Gets the existing custom power shell script files.
Public method GetPowerShellScriptProperties
Gets the power shell script.
Public method GetRegistryValues
Gets all registry values from specified path.
Public method GetRemoteLogFiles
Gets all log files from specified unc path.
Public method GetReportServer
Gets the report server name from webservice settings.
Public method GetRequestingUser
Gets the requesting user.
Public method GetRequiredDirectoryConfig
Gets the plugin version configuration.
Public method GetResetComputerInstallFilterRegex
Gets the reset computer install filter regex.
Public method GetResourceID
Gets the ResourceID via mac address.
Public method GetResourceIDFromComputername
Gets the resource identifier from specified computer name.
Public method GetResourcesFromCollection
Gets all direct memberships from specified collection.
Public method GetSCCMClientProperties
Gets the SCCM client properties.
Public method GetSCCMLogFiles(String, String)
Gets all log file full names from specified computer at specific path.
Public method GetSCCMLogFiles(String)
Gets all log file full names from specified computer.
Public method GetSessionID
Gets the session identifier.
Public method GetSiteCode
Gets the site code from webservice settings.
Public method GetSiteServer
Gets the site server name from webservice settings.
Public method GetSoftwareAllocation
Gets all collections by the specified resource identifier. This view includes only approved collections.
Public method GetSoftwareAllocationToComputerQuery
Gets the "software allocation to computer"-query from webservice settings.
Public method GetSQLClientProperties
Gets the client properties from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_ComputerProperties].
Public method GetSQLStringValue
Gets a string value via sql.
Public method GetStandardSoftware
Gets all standard software from [SCCMManager].[dbo].[v_StandardSoftware].
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetVersion
Gets the webservice version.
Public method GetWMIInstances
Gets (remote) wmi instances.
Public method GetWMIProcessList
Gets a process list of the specified computer via wmi.
Public method ImportComputer
Creates a new computer with a new SMBIOSGUID.
Public method ImportComputerList
Imports a list of computers and returns the new resource ids.
Public method ImportComputerList2
Imports a list of computers and returns the new resource ids.
Public method ImportComputerWithSMBIOSGUID
Creates a new computer with a given bios guid.
Public method ImportMachineEntry(String, String, Boolean)
Imports the machine entry.
Public method ImportMachineEntry(String, String, String, Boolean)
Imports the machine entry.
Public method ImportMachineEntryList
Imports the machine entry list.
Public method InitiateDataDiscovery
Initiates a data discovery.
Public method InitiateHardwareInventory
Initiates a hardware inventory.
Public method InitiateSoftwareInventory
Initiates a software inventory.
Public method InitiateWindowsInstallerSourceListUpdate
Initiates a windows installer source list update.
Public method IsInRole
Determines whether the calling user is in the specified role.
Public method IsMsiInProgress
Detects if the msi installer is in progress.
Public method KillTask
Kills the specified task.
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method ReadLogFile
Reads the specified log file.
Public method ReadRemoteFile
Reads a file remotely.
Public method RemoveClientFromCollection
Removes a client from specified collection.
Public method RemoveClientsFromCollection
Removes the specified multiple clients from collection.
Public method RemoveComputerDuplicates
Removes the computer duplicates.
Public method RepairMsi
Repairs a msi.
Public method RequestAndEvaluateMachinePolicy
Requests and evaluates the machine policy.
Public method RerunPackage
Reruns a sccm advertisement immediately.
Public method RerunPackages
Reruns multiple sccm advertisements immediately.
Public method ResetComputer
Resets the computer.
Public method ResetPolicy
Resets the policy for the specified computer.
Public method RestartComputer
Restarts the computer.
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String)
Runs the given powershell script on local system using power shell path for custom scripts (..\Custom\Local).
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String, String) Obsolete.
Runs a powershell script on the given computer. (OBSOLETE)
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String, array<String>[]()[][]) Obsolete.
Runs the given powershell script. (OBSOLETE)
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, array<String>[]()[][])
Runs the given powershell script on local system using power shell path for custom scripts (..\Custom\Local).
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String, ScriptTypes)
Runs the given powershell script on local system using power shell path for the specified script type (e.g. ScriptType.Local: ..\Custom\Local).
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, array<String>[]()[][], ScriptTypes)
Runs the given powershell script on local system using power shell path for the specified script type (e.g. ScriptType.Local: ..\Custom\Local).
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Runs the given powershell script on remote computer using specified power shell path (e.g. \\Custom\\Remote).
Public method RunPowerShellScript(String, String, String, array<String>[]()[][], Boolean)
Runs the power shell script.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptLocal(String, String, String, Boolean)
Runs the power shell script local.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptLocal(String, String, array<String>[]()[][], Boolean)
Runs the power shell script local.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultSet(String, String, ScriptTypes)
Runs the given powershell script.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultSet(String, array<String>[]()[][], ScriptTypes)
Runs the power shell script with result set.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultSet(String, String, String, ScriptTypes)
Runs the power shell script with result set.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultSet(String, String, array<String>[]()[][], ScriptTypes)
Runs the powershell script file on the target computer.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultString(String, array<String>[]()[][], ScriptTypes)
Runs the power shell script with result string.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultString(String, String, ScriptTypes)
Runs the powershell script file.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultString(String, String, String, ScriptTypes)
Runs the power shell script with result string.
Public method RunPowerShellScriptWithResultString(String, String, array<String>[]()[][], ScriptTypes)
Runs the powershell script file on the target computer.
Public method SaveComputerList
Saves the computer list.
Public method ServicePause
Pauses the specified service.
Public method ServiceResume
Resumes the specified service.
Public method ServiceStart
Starts the specified service.
Public method ServiceStop
Stops the specified service.
Public method SetCacheDirectory
Sets the ccm cache directory.
Public method SetCacheSize
Sets the ccm cache size.
Public method SetCollectionRules
Sets the collection rules.
Public method SetComputerVariables(array<Int32>[]()[][], array<KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>[]()[][])
Sets the computer variables of multiple resources.
Public method SetComputerVariables(Int32, array<KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>[]()[][])
Sets the computer variables.
Public method SetEventlogSize
Sets the size of the event log.
Public method SetHTTPPort
Sets the ccm HTTP port.
Public method ShutdownComputer
Shutdowns the specified computer.
Public method StartOSDeployment
Starts an OS deployment.
Public method StartProcess
Starts a process.
Public method StartSMSActiveDirectorySystemDiscovery
Starts the SMS active directory system discovery.
Public method StartSMSActiveDirectorySystemGroupDiscovery
Starts the SMS active directory system group discovery.
Public method StartSMSActiveDirectoryUserDiscovery
Starts the SMS active directory user discovery.
Public method TestWinRM
Tests the winrm connection.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method UninstallMsi
Uninstalls a msi.
Public method UpdateMemberships
Updates the memberships of specified collections.
Public method UpdatePluginVersionConfig
Updates the plugin version configuration (SCCM Manager specific).
Public method UpdateRequiredDirectoryConfig
Updates the reuired directory configuration (SCCM Manager specific).
Public method VerifyNoCircularDependencies
Verifies if there are no circular dependencies.
Public method WakeUpComputer
Wakes up the specified computer.
Public method WMIPing
Pings the specified computer via wmi.


  Name Description
Public field Static member InvalidWebServiceCall
Public field SCCMSoapHeader