SCCM WebService API Reference

SCCMWebService..::..WMIPing Method

Pings the specified computer via wmi.

Namespace:  SCCMWebService
Assembly:  SCCMWebService (in SCCMWebService.dll)


public int WMIPing(
	string computerName
<SoapHeaderAttribute> _
<WebMethodAttribute> _
Public Function WMIPing ( _
	computerName As String _
) As Integer
int^ WMIPing(
	String^ computerName


Type: String
Name of the computer.

Return Value

Error Code (Int32)

  • Success (0)
  • Unknown Error (1)
  • Buffer Too Small (11001)
  • Destination Net Unreachable (11002)
  • Destination Host Unreachable (11003)
  • Destination Protocol Unreachable (11004)
  • Destination Port Unreachable (11005)
  • No Resources (11006)
  • Bad Option (11007)
  • Hardware Error (11008)
  • Packet Too Big (11009)
  • Request Timed Out (11010)
  • Bad Request (11011)
  • Bad Route (11012)
  • TimeToLive Expired Transit (11013)
  • TimeToLive Expired Reassembly (11014)
  • Parameter Problem (11015)
  • Source Quench (11016)
  • Option Too Big (11017)
  • Bad Destination (11018)
  • Negotiating IPSEC (11032)
  • General Failure (11050)