WMI Management Studio

Everyone that has dealt intesively with the Microsoft® System Center has to, sooner or later, deal with WMI as well. As materials on board to read, process and query classes and instances, Microsoft® provides a tool called WBEMTest which is installed on every computer standardly. This tool is alright for emergencies but is less suitable for an intensive work with WMI.

For this reason the WMI Management Studio has been developed towards the needs of administrators and developers.


The WMI Management Studio is available as a free edition or as a licensed edition. The difference consists of the fact that the free version only has reading access on WMI and is not authorized to create codes. The following table describes the features of both editions:

Feature Free edition Licensed edition
Utilization of arbitrary namespaces    
Searching, filtering and displaying classes    
Displaying instances    
Displaying properties of classes    
Displaying qualification features of classes    
Advanced searches for classes, properties, methods and instances in arbitrary namespaces including Drilldown    
Comparisons between classes and instances    
Editing instances    
Deleting classes and instances    
Displaying and executing methods    
Producing, displaying, testing and compiling MOF code of classes    
WQL query editor with code formatting, syntax emphasis, IntelliSense and error handlings    
Creating and displaying C# or VB Code (strongly typed) whitin a class including syntax emphasis and record arrangement    


Our software is available for download on the Internet. To acquire a 30-day trail license feel free to get in touch with us.

 Click here to go to the download area.